Posts Tagged ‘web’


2:06 am, Monday nine march oh nine

March 9, 2009

This world of hours just sees to get better and better. My concern over the economic bagel has been somewhat lax: fretting is largely reserved for my parents who possess all the  paraphenalia of the society we now openly deplore (nuclear arms, mortgages, expensive things we do not need). I believe from somewhere behind my glands, that it will all work out.

However, things are always more complicated than they seem. This is not about houses being cheaper when I eventually arrive on the market, but, in fact, the splinterstress applied to all over the planet.

After all, conflicts are basically over either ideals or resources, and one can be solved with an abundance of the other. Those who are comfortable rarely wish to wield steel. In its absence:

9.2.9 2:01(cheers, bbc)

In related news, my phone now plays the intro from Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. Yes yes. Video and audio, yes yes.



January 23, 2009

Rough like a baby's prospects in the wild.

Rough like a baby's prospects in the wild.

Do you know what’s coming up? Some clever fellow on the interwebs, socially minded and gifted with a forum, decided three years ago to have a day where you write a comic every hour, and post them up online! And now, htree years later, itis in tis glorious third year!

The comic has to be about things that have occured to you in the last hour, so it’s not the gargantuan task you may think. Also, it doesn’t have to be “good”: like all the webclaves, the important thing is that you were there.

It will mean you are present with other constructs of greatness such as

As your friend i recommend it.If you are worried about the quality of the drawings, Don’t: it’s mainly stick figures, and they seem to be the best ones (see below)

That above thing: really bad (on grounds of perspective, an apparent inability to draw hands, not resembling me, being smugglier better looking in some frames, oh don’t let me go on stop me rig) but thats not important! What’s important is that it’ll be fun and will give me a reason to practice drawing like a quick thing.

On that note: I need to simplify ye drawings, and speed them up. Shouldn’t take more than ten-15mins, creating a perect break from study (though that then precludes anything worth writing about..i could make it about the things i learn? yeah…likely.)

I think I may make a page for it instead of posting them her.e…e…


As bad as the internet

November 18, 2008

Yes yes, I know, a splurge of posts recently. Given the volume of work I can put off simply by posting, well.. It’s no suprise. Anyway: A while back i did this:

-and then sometime later, I made that video. In fact, for demonstration purposes, the offending haircut was carried out in April, say, and I made the video in’n’around two weeks ago. Now, I only really punted it into the youtubes so it would show up in bebo.

I think we’re all on board so far.

In two weeks, it has four hundred views. Four Hundred. 400. This is amusing and worrying in inequal proportions.  MOREOVER I appear on what may or may not be the page of a guy who has a fetish for guys being shorn. I..

…I find myself racing the ratings on videos of other strangers. Whatthehelliswrongwithme.


Update: The guy who featured me? He describes his channel thus: “They interest all the videos exceeds haircut to me, melenas, coletas and generally on uncles with long hair”.